The New England Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
April 29, 2017
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Don't miss our April 29 Program!

The New England Council of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Sharon Weinstein, MD - Director of Continuing Education NECCAP
Advocacy and Collaboration with NAMI and PPAL to Benefit our Children, Families, Schools and Communities
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Mass Medical Society, Waltham, MA
Registration 8 - 8:30
Program 8:30 - 12:30
Ken Duckworth, MD - Keynote Speaker and NAMI-National Medical Director
Mathieu Bermingham, MD NECCAP Member
Michelle Durham, MD NECCAP and MPS Member 
Mark Hauser, MD MPS President 
Lisa Lambert, Executive Director PPAL 
Laurie Martinelli, JD Executive Director NAMI-Mass
Nancy Rappaport, MD NECCAP Member
Tom Scurfield  NAMI-Mass President 
Planning Committee:
Margaret Tompsett, MD
Sharon Weinstein, MD

NECCAP, MPS, Professionals $75 
Residents/Medical Students: $10
Medical Non-professionals, Families $15

NECCAP,MPS, Members Professionals @ $75

Residents/Medical Students @ $10

NAMI, PPAL Members, medical non-professionals:  $15